The trigeminal neuralgia
The trigeminal neuralgia, which shows itself by a pain arising in repetition on a single side of the face, is the result of an affection of one of the three branches of the trigeminal nerve or of many of them. The trigeminal nerve is responsible for the transport of the face sensations to the brain.
An affection of the trigeminal nerve causes excesses of severe and piercing pain (a tearing, a painful flash or an acute sensation of cut) lasting from several seconds to several minutes.
But temporomandibular physiotherapy can now help you and bring you a relief!
The physiotherapy treatment consists in various manual intra and extra-oral techniques. We treat the neck fascias that cause the most frequent stabbing and constant neuralgias. So, we act on the cranial components such as the temporal bone and the dura mater. Then, we treat or mass the cranio vertebral region: C0-C1-C2-C3.
Consult from now on Jean-Philippe Perreault, a physiotherapist specialized in temporomandibular problems and in cranial, facial and oral disorders.